Interactive Vocabulary Paragraph
The reignMeaning: Noun
Rule, governance, sovereignty, dominion, administration of Muhammad Yunus marks one of the most tumultuousMeaning: Adjective
Turbulent, chaotic, stormy, violent, disorderly phases in Bangladesh's history. His interimMeaning: Adjective
Temporary, provisional, stopgap, short-term, transitional government was established amid chaosMeaning: Noun
Disorder, confusion, turmoil, anarchy, mayhem and political unrest. The octogenarian pioneer, revered for his role in microfinance, was seen as a beacon of hope to restore order. However, the bureaucracyMeaning: Noun
Administration, civil service, government agencies, officialdom, red tape had almost collapsed, leading to increased hostility among political factions. Many feared the nation was on the brinkMeaning: Noun
Verge, edge, threshold, point, cusp of another civil war.
Despite the challenges, Yunus's appointment was seen as a sign of reconciliationMeaning: Noun
Settlement, resolution, compromise, restoration, rapprochement. His pragmaticMeaning: Adjective
Practical, realistic, sensible, down-to-earth, rational approach focused on empoweringMeaning: Verb
Authorize, enable, permit, entitle, strengthen the people and restoring faith in the political system. His administration worked tirelessly to ensure that the military stayed in their barracksMeaning: Noun
सैनिक छावनी
Military quarters, garrison, camp, base, fort, avoiding a repeat of the country's infamousMeaning: Adjective
Notorious, disreputable, ill-famed, scandalous, dishonorable past under dictatorship.
Yunus's administration also had to deal with the rise of majoritarianMeaning: Adjective
Relating to majority rule, democratic, popular, mass-based forces, marked by acts of violence and vendettaMeaning: Noun
Feud, grudge, rivalry, blood feud, enmity. His goal was to facilitateMeaning: Verb
सुविधा प्रदान करना
Ease, assist, expedite, help, make possible peaceful elections at the earliestMeaning: Phrase
As soon as possible, promptly, immediately, without delay, urgently, ensuring the new government had the legitimacyMeaning: Noun
Lawfulness, validity, authenticity, authority, legality to steer the country out of turmoil.
The success of the uprising now depended on the willMeaning: Noun
Determination, resolve, intention, desire, wish and determination of Bangladesh’s people, as they sought to steer outMeaning: Phrasal Verb
Navigate, guide, direct, lead, manage of the crisis and rebuild their nation.